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Lavender Skin Care

The Versatility Of Lavender Gel

One of the most useful products in our range is the Lavender Gel. It is good for reducing the throb of headaches, rubbing into the skin as relief for sunburn, or just inhaling gently to help you get to sleep.

But we find there is a bit of fear in the plant based, chemical free skin care world that lavender is, well, old-fashioned.

People seem to think that using it as a fragrance will make them smell like an 'old Victorian Lady'.

But it is just not true!

Lavender is a scent that should be appreciated. I know I do when, come the summer time, I brush past a plant of it next to the garden path and get hit by its heady fragrance, agitated from the leaves as I go by.

I guess many of you have had that experience too, and find it to be a moment that captures the summer and the positivity of long days and warm sunshine.

The Egyptians used lavender, as did the Romans, so it really is a classic fragrance. But it provides far more than that to us lovers of toxic free living. The health benefits of lavender are many.

Healing Uses For Lavender Gel

Due to its antiseptic and anti-fungal properties, our Lavender Gel is like a natural first aid kit. In fact, a lady who has bought from us over many years, the wonderful Janet King, had this to say about our product:

"Whatever your destination, don't leave home without lavender gel!

I'm currently teaching in Rwanda for three weeks and have four tubes with
me... mosquitoes and soldier ants seem to love biting me and the gel is very

We also received a note on Facebook about how the lavender gel had soothed a large number of bee stings. Darren from the garden company Modern Mint unknowingly disturbed a wild bee colony with a mattock, which led to many painful stings across the arms, chest, neck, face...and back of the head!

Lavender Gel Review

(And look at that, Janet also replied to the Modern Mint post on Facebook. Those four tubes of lavender gel getting used up with all the mosquitos!)

So if you have a sting or a bite, make sure you have our lavender gel to hand. It will quickly soothe your skin and reduce the urge to scratch.

The Versatility Of Lavender Gel

One of our favourite ways of using lavender gel is to just gently rub it on some of our bodies pulse points - wrist, neck and temples are the first three to try. The lavender gel will ease tension headaches, so common if you spend a long time on the computer or are rushing around, feeling constantly overwhelmed.

It makes a wonderful, natural alternative to taking pills and works far quicker too.

People would place lavender inside their pillows to help them sleep. If you or any family member are struggling to drift off to the land of nod, try the lavender gel - its fragrance will promote a sense of calm to the mind.

Caught too much sun? We suggest lavender again! The cooling gel will take the heat out of the sunburn, healing the skin in the process. Burning yourself (easily done on the oven!) hurts too, the pain often throbbing and irritating.

Multi-purpose lavender will again ease the pain. 

As you can see, it truly is a versatile and handy herb in the natural skin care lovers store cupboard!

Try Lavender On Your Skin

We use lavender in lots of places at Boxworth Botanicals, but you can find this plant playing a starring role in the following:

Lavender and Tea Tree Cream

Our 100% pure English, Organic Lavender Body Cream

And of course the wonderful, ever so handy, Lavender Gel.

Enjoy discovering the benefits of lavender on your skin. 


Photo by Jamie Street on Unsplash

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